Nintendo shutting down 3DS + Wii U online services, see our post


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SYSBEEP is a system variable/parameter used to control the playback of system sound effects. If SYSBEEP is true, system sound effects will be played. If it is false, the sounds will not be played. System sound effects include the LOAD/SAVE sound effects, keyboard/typing sounds, and sounds played when interacting with system dialogs and menus. Users may think of SYSBEEP as a preference. As such, it should always be restored to its previous value when programmed and it should only be changed where and when it it necessary. In PTC and SB3, this is controlled by using the SYSBEEP system variable in your program.
PRINT SYSBEEP  ' getting
SYSBEEP=FALSE  ' setting
In SB4, all system variables were removed or replaced with something else. SYSBEEP is accessed with the SYSPARAM function.
SYSBEEP is most commonly used in PTC, because the LOAD function will always play the load/save sound effect even if its dialog is hidden. In SB3 the LOAD dialog will not play a sound if it is hidden, and in SB4 dialogs for loading files have been completely removed, so usage is much less common in these versions.

Nice! Will certainly clear up a couple of misconceptions!

There's another really weird misconception; people thing SYSBEEP gets reset when you go to the top menu (I think that's what they are saying)