Nintendo shutting down 3DS + Wii U online services, see our post

Terraria Thread

Root / General / [.]

OH! How about the Source Sorcerers? But that's basically the same as Smile Sourcerers. hmm.... Yep, yours is superior.
How about Basic Smilers?

OH! How about the Source Sorcerers? But that's basically the same as Smile Sourcerers. hmm.... Yep, yours is superior.
How about Basic Smilers?
That sounds like we are basic people who smile. I think Smile Sourcerers is better, but that's my opinion.

This has become the Users of SBS naming thread.

OH! How about the Source Sorcerers? But that's basically the same as Smile Sourcerers. hmm.... Yep, yours is superior.
How about Basic Smilers?
That sounds like we are basic people who smile. I think Smile Sourcerers is better, but that's my opinion.
I then think just Sourcers is better.

We should have a schedule for when we go online to play together. I am free most Sundays, so I can play online during that time.

3712 1179 3208, Just got Terraria, Reply and I will add back.

Haha! I didn't know this existed! Online mp didn't come yet, and an update hasn't come in forever. I hope they add it :( We should be the smile savages