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A* function?

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I have a tactical rpg game in the project pipeline and Iโ€™m thinking about AI movement. The best method Iโ€™ve come up with in research is the A* algorithm (calculating the shortest path between two points on a graph). However, Iโ€™m having a difficult time wrapping my head around how to write this algorithm in SB4. Has anyone attempted to write a similar function? Is there an easier way to determine the shortest path between two points while circumventing obstacles? Any advice or resources are appreciated.

I just reuploaded my A* implementation. The new key is: KNJXX3D. A* isn't cheap, so you will need to find a way to run it somewhat infrequently, unless this is turn based.

I just reuploaded my A* implementation. The new key is: KNJXX3D. A* isn't cheap, so you will need to find a way to run it somewhat infrequently, unless this is turn based.
Yeah, it will be turn based. I appreciate the help!

A* isn't cheap, so you will need to find a way to run it somewhat infrequently, unless this is turn based.
Just curious; is there a cheaper algorithm out there similar to A* that isnโ€™t necessarily as good but runs faster with at least somewhat-good results?