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SmileBASIC button colors

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

So according to the screenshot, the button colors are a kind of tan. I'm sure that's probably how they're rendered (or maybe they've been changed), but I'm looking at my 3DS right now and they're definitely not tan lol. I want your thoughts on the matter: I think the buttons are more of a nice gray rather than a tan. Something like #E9ECEA: However, our reference screenshot has been stuff like this: I want your opinion on this. Do you think the SmileBASIC main menu buttons look more like the gray color I posted, or the tan color on the screenshot? Or do you not see a difference? Just so you know, our current Program List color has been changed to the newer gray color rather than tan: http://smilebasicsource.com/search?category=Programs (see gray color on http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_colorpicker.asp)

Hmm. They look grey on my DS, and to be honest, to me they also look grey in your screenshot.

Looks gray to me. I don't know where tan came from

Looks just a little bit tan to me.

Looks 100% grey.