
Bug Reports [OLD]

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Yeah I can't replicate it at all. I'm really sorry, it works for me. How far up are you scrolling? It has to be at least half a screen.

Yeah I can't replicate it at all. I'm really sorry, it works for me. How far up are you scrolling? It has to be at least half a screen.
I scrolled about two pages and still happening.

Chat won't work at all on my PC for some reason. Maybe a bug?

I'm not sure what to say about all these "chat not working" bugs. It works on all my devices (including garbage browsers like on my phone and Wii U) and I can't replicate any of these bugs. I'm not saying that they don't exist, I just honestly can't fix them without seeing them in action (on my end). I'm sorry. As always, try clearing cache and changing your DNS server to Google's public DNS (Google how to do it per device). At this point it shouldn't be DNS problems though.

Chat won't work at all on my PC for some reason. Maybe a bug?
Are you using any extensions like adblock?

Chat won't work at all on my PC for some reason. Maybe a bug?
Are you using any extensions like adblock?

OK, i disabled adblock and now it works.

The chat doesn't seem to work on Chrome.

Wait, I think I know why the chat is still "autoscrolling". You made the chat remove older messages after 500 chat messages right? That's why.

Wait, I think I know why the chat is still "autoscrolling". You made the chat remove older messages after 500 chat messages right? That's why.
I thought you said it happens at any point? It doesn't remove old messages unless you've been in the chat for a long while and seen a LOT of messages.

http://smilebasicsource.com/forum?fpid=4235#post_4235 I swear I pushed Edit. It somehow became a double post.

http://smilebasicsource.com/forum?fpid=4235#post_4235 I swear I pushed Edit. It somehow became a double post.
I don't know what to say. Clear cache; I can't replicate this. It may have just been a one-time browser glitch.

Can anyone here confirm that the chat is down?

It's not. Have you tried DODGING I mean clearing cache.

It's not. Have you tried DODGING I mean clearing cache.
Just cleared cache, I'm immediately getting a "You have been disconnected. Reconnect?" message.

Um, found the problem. I'm getting this JavaScript error
WebSocket Error: Incorrect HTTP response. Status code 200, OK

Apparently the response code should be 101 Switching Protocols.

Pfft okay. My connection upgrades, so the problem might be something else. Or, Edge still doesn't know how to handle anything.

Pfft okay. My connection upgrades, so the problem might be something else. Or, Edge still doesn't know how to handle anything.
Or, it's because Edge is actually following the spec to the final word. Which we don't want... Anyways, I downloaded Firefox, so I'll have to use that for now.

Possibly https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/1822005/edge-websocket-upgrade-get-request-uses-http-1-0-instead-of-http-1-1
if the user has unchecked the Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Use HTTP/1.1 checkbox.
I doubt it, but you may as well check.