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Hhmm I'll think about it...

I'm a little confused... Didn't we just close a thread because it was promoting a project that blatantly infringed on copyright? In fairness I haven't read this entire thread, so I could be totally off base. But at a glance it looks like you're trying to use characters/content that don't belong to you.
Agreed, we shouldn't be encouraging full game ports that will be posted to the site. Not only are they going to be removed when SmileBoom inevitably gets a DMCA, it's not exactly the best way to go about things. Making your own sprites, no matter the quality, is always going to be superior to stealing assets from other people. Record out.
I am shocked that those sprites look like ripped game assets. But they aren't. i couldn't believe people actually thought my sprites were that good. I guess I already chose the superior option. Another note, it is nowhere near a full game, and unless it's moved to Homebrew, won't ever be. And one final word, I am relatively sure that E.A. Has no actual care of their property as they advertised games literally ripping off the game (On PvZ2) and have allowed fan games that some lawyers would consider "tarnish the brand" by showing them in bloody messes, as rotting corpses, with their heads cut open, etc so I really don't think they really care, especially about a fan game. Although who knows?

Hhmm I'll think about it...
Can't wait to see what you come up with. Sounds like you have a particular talent for spritework - don't be afraid to play to your strengths

Alright so it has been decided to move the game to Homebrew. Don't be happy though- I'll still be around...
Hhmm I'll think about it...
Can't wait to see what you come up with. Sounds like you have a particular talent for spritework - don't be afraid to play to your strengths

Also, before the thread gets closed, here are the sprites DDCE523V Let it die peacefully

Guys I just finished coding Pvz2 on SB! I'll try to get it past the SmileBoom servers, but for now, here is some gameplay: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nrsnN23tmUA

Guys I just finished coding Pvz2 on SB! I'll try to get it past the SmileBoom servers, but for now, here is some gameplay: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nrsnN23tmUA
Nope Why u do dis

Guys I just finished coding Pvz2 on SB! I'll try to get it past the SmileBoom servers, but for now, here is some gameplay: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nrsnN23tmUA
Nope Why u do dis
April Fools, fool


You just (kind of) got rick-rolled

E Schools have closed in Jefferson County (where I live) so now we don't have school until the end of spring break. Lol. Seriously. And we don't have to make it up! Also reason why I am posting this is because I am basically saying I'm gonna have time to actually work on the game! BTW I haven't been able to...
Oh no Schools have come back to drag me into their hell hole

I don't have to go back until May :( I miss my friends

I don't have to go back until May :( I miss my friends
Me too D: