
Game Blocks Kickstarter PC(/Mac)

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https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2044867988/game-blocks UPDATE: the kickstarter is now live. Check out the trailer there or on YouTube. Will clean this post up in the morning. (Once I get a good night sleep) http://imgur.com/ZZBPNqg (having a bit of trouble getting my art on this post, so here is a direct link instead, until the Kickstarter is live) Hello, let me reintroduce myself. I am Mark Mather, artist, sound director and level designer for Game Blocks. I am part of a two man team working on creating a game construction set for PC, and eventually Mac and Linux. My older brother Matthew is the project head, and programmer. We are using Game Maker Studios 2, and have been working on this part time since Fall 2016, and Full time since February 2017. To get an idea of what Game Blocks currently is, check out this kind of long winded tutorial created by me.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4w63DnFjDg Our playable prototype is FREE and currently available from my brother's blog. (PC only at this time) http://game-blocks.com Do you want to help out, but don't have the means to support us? Once the kickstarter is live, share the link with your friends. To avoid problems with shipping and overspending, there will not be any physical rewards for backers. Please note that I made certain to ask permission to post this advertisement prior to posting. Thanks to the Staff members for your support in this way!

oh hey there's 6 ads on this page now

oh hey there's 6 ads on this page now
Maybe I am lucky, but I only count two, besides my post. 24 hours until launch, give or take an hour. The final FREE prototype update is LIVE. Two new blocks: Ice Block Bouncer. (Note bouncer is not a solid block) The Level EXIT now has a lock version, and will require the key to exit the stage. (Currently the level layout is linear, this is something we plan to build upon in the alpha and beta) Controls updated; while in the editor, you can press CTRL to hide the options bar, to place objects with less effort. A very limited Co-op option is available, for anyone who wants to try it, simply use the mouse and drag things around the level. Best used in moderation or with a limited number of blocks for the mouse to move around. (This can also help while play testing.)

Anyone willing to give some honest feed back about the kickstarter. 0.01% currently of our goal met, means we are now off the new and popular list. (Basically a death sentence, but not impossible to turn around.)

So given the current pacing, baring any other fluke $2,000 backers... Our kickstarter will fail. To hopefully prevent that...We are currently working Prototype update! We plan to add a number of things, but the most important is World arrangement. No more linear levels one after each other. You can soon have multiple exits, all leading to different levels! We are adding a few new exit door types to allow for challenge based level paths. So we hope to have this running along with a few more extras yet un thought of, and make a 2nd Trailer that contains all the updated information.

Well it's been a while since I updated you guys with the current events with Game Blocks. Well me and my brother have been hard at getting the basics of all of the demands of what people wanted to see in Game Blocks. Since the Kick Starter Launched on Monday September 4th we have added to the FREE prototype: +Bouncing blocks- a non solid block that will make the player jump if touched on the side that gravity is pushing towards, and can be moved through like air if passed through from the left or right, or from below. Holding the jump button when in contact the the bouncing block will allow the payer to make a higher jump. What this adds to the game: This lets the level designer not only make larger gaps, and taller cliffs to add into the level, but in combination with the gravity changer allows for a one way door type effect. +Locked Doors & Key item: This combo item is a door that can not be passed trough unless the key has been collected. Currently there is only one key type, and will work with any locked door. However because of this, the key item is persistent and is held until it is used and can be located on a level that is different from the level that has the Locked Door. What this adds to the game: This allows for levels where you have to journey to the key and then travel back to the start area. Additionally a Locked door can be placed in a level before a player has seen a key, and this would allow for several levels to be made on the way to collect the key and then back track to the Locked Door. +Spectrum Blocks: Just different colored blocks make a lot of difference. Soon to be changed into custom color blocks, but that is still a future update or two away. What this adds to the game: At first it is not much, but once you figure out that you can combine this solid colored blocks and tuning the background color to match it, you can place invisible blocks! Also Pixel sprites can be placed in the levels. +Creative Co-op: While not fully functioning, as there is a known serious crash bug*, Creative Co-op is a 2 player mode (potentially a 5 player game!) when one player controls the mouse. Currently this is always on by default. The person who controls the mouse should probably be the one who makes the levels, as currently it is anything goes for what they can move with the mouse. What this adds to the Game: Unplayable levels, can now be completed if played this way. Alternatively you could take a simple and easy level and make it harder, if you happen to play with a psychotic younger brother. Either way, this mode would allow EVERY level made to be playable in some manner. +World Editor: Non linear levels! you can now place multiple doors in a single level, and with the NUM tool in the upper left can assign numbers to the doors to point them to the desired level. (the level must currently have been added on the world menu to point a door to it. The World Editor also has the previously spoiled background color editor, currently it can only change the color of the background... however there are single frame background images and in a few months parallax background images coming (shortly after scrolling levels are a thing.) What this adds to the game: I think most people will understand that THIS single feature allows for a vast amount of design variety. Levels can loop back in on themselves, and now can be designed with bonus stages filled with goodies, or you could make a warp zone of sorts to skip past levels to quickly get back to an area in a larger game of many, many levels. (current max levels is 100!) NOTE: Currently all coins, gems, monsters, power ups and keys will be replaced in a level if you loop back to it. This might not always be the case in the future. NOTE2: Keys and Boots (Jump plus) will be kept from level to level, even if they are not added or shown when you play-test a level from the level editor. +4 Player Co-op (and competitive): 4 players can be played separately on one level. Currently only the 1st player's Hearts are displayed, and again only the first player's score is displayed on the screen. This will likely not be fixed until the new engine is finished. (for the beta) What this adds to the game: More Fun! Soo... we are one week away from the deadline for the Kickstarter, but only just past 11% funded. All I ask is that if you think this list of additions over the last two weeks is impressive, that you share the Kickstarter with people who might be interested in supporting our project. We will be adding a new Trailer directly to the kickstarter sometime later today. Did I mention that with a little work this can make for a fun Halloween game? And other holidays. *know bug, dragging the player... when the player is not hanging from a ledge, up to under the bouncing block. as seen here... https://youtu.be/voamgj7lsRg?t=161

The game seems to work smoothly, but your presentation really needs work. This is likely the main reason the kickstarter failed.

Yeah, it's kind of hard to do good marketing with out taking a collage course or something. If we had another month or two we would have taken it to add more to the game first. But we only had a $5,000 loan and with both of us working full time on it... it was not quite enough to show off when we started the kickstarter. Oh well, well end with a better trailer hopefully that will get someone to at least understand what we are going for. (I busted my thumb today... and that means a little of the art is still not ready.) We also posted a video explaining where the concept of Game Blcoks came from. you can view it here if you are interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XuOEnSpm-s I still plan to finish the Smile BASIC Game Blocks sprite page. success or otherwise.

"If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I haven't failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward". -Thomas A. Edison, Encyclopaedia Britannica

"If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I haven't failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward". -Thomas A. Edison, Encyclopaedia Britannica
It's a good quote. Yesterday the final trailer was finished, and you might notice a little stab at Destiny 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGbUQXFpm3I